So I’m going to assume that most of my peers, just like I, kinda fell off the blogging train here at the end of the semester.

Because of this, I only got one comment on my last post.


I asked my facebook friends the exact same question: “What was your favorite internet meme this year, and why?
It could be something that emerged this year, or something that’s been around, but you found yourself enjoying those the most.”

I got a fair amount of answers on there, and while there was not one specific meme that had a dramatic victory over all of them, there was, however, a specific category that did.

So I present to you, readers, the most popular meme of the year, what many call, “The God of the Internet”



These furry creatures that I personally love to cuddle with have taken over the internet this year.  Cat memes have been around for awhile, but this year, I truly believe was the year of the cats.  I once read something online (I don’t remember where I saw it), but it said something along the lines of this:

The internet is like Ancient Egypt.  We write on walls, and worship cats.”

That statement has a lot of truth in it. Cats originally got their start on the internet with various videos of cats on youtube, then it emerged into something bigger than any cat lover would have imagined.

Lisa Brandt, 19, posted this video as her favorite meme.

Drew Ellis, 21, said his favorite meme was the “Hipster Kitten,” which was one of the first cat memes after cat videos.


This series of memes involves a cat with a hood over its head, and large glasses over its eyes… a look that many people find to be a typical “hipster” look.  For anyone who’s not aware, the definition of a hipster, according to is

“A 20 something white, upper-middle class suburban transplant to any gentrifying neighborhood in any major city, but Brooklyn, NY in particular. Disheveled, hand-me-down appearance to present the image that they are not a slave to trends or fashions. They typically wear thick, Andy Warhol-like glasses (whether they need them or not), unshaven, unkept shaggy hair and retro Converse sneakers sometimes with no laces. The term is often used as a pejorative considering a ‘hipster’ detests being called a ‘hipster.'”

The memes have a caption that is usually making fun of the social group.

A cat meme that I have only recently heard of, and according to, has only been around since September, was popular among my facebook friends that commented on my post.


It’s a cat, and that cat sure doesn’t look happy, grumpy cat is the name of the meme, and is just now getting its start of internet stardom.

“He’s adorably grumpy,” Kat Manderfield, 22, said.  The meme is simply a picture of a cat, whose name is Tard, short for the “tatar” in “tartar sauce,” (incredibly unfortunate name if you ask me) with what according to sources, her in her natural look… that’s just really grumpy looking.  The photos are captioned with statements you would hear from a grumpy person or a grumpy cat.

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When asked what his favorite meme was, Joel Mary, 21, said “Grumpy Cat! because he looks grumpy.”  While there isn’t much reasoning to Mary’s answer, sometimes that’s all you need for an explanation.  Something as simple as a cat looking grumpy doesn’t need a complex reason to be someone’s favorite.  It’s just funny. Like all these internet memes.

Well I’m off to go work on other stuff for my favorite two weeks of the semester: the last week of classes, and finals week. (RIGHT.)

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Oh yes, and mother nature decided this was a great week to get sick… such perfect timing. (this is why I need my own set of memes called Crappy Luck Carli.)

Peace out everyone!

Continue reading

… You still there?

Hey world! 

It’s been almost a month since I’ve posted anything.  The Presidential Election has come and gone, and everyone’s main thing on their mind is Christmas!

Now, I know all of you don’t celebrate Christmas, but Christmas also means a holiday break for everyone, and who doesn’t want/need that!?

As the semester nears its end, and the year 2012 comes to a close, I’m curious to hear from everyone– what was your favorite internet meme this year, and why?

It could be something that emerged this year, or something that’s been around, but you found yourself enjoying those the most. 

Looking forward to hearing your responses!!



Or as I’ve heard from some other people, No More Campaign Ads Eve!

Which is very true, I think we can all agree that we’re sick of campaign ads, and political statuses on facebook and twitter, (although, does that really ever end? nope, not really.)

I only got a few responses from the last post, but all of them mentioned presidential campaign 2012 memes.  I think this is very appropriate, considering today is election day! So in this post, I am going to go over a few of the memes that have begun during this Presidential campaign.

1. “You didn’t build that” meme

On July 13th, 2012, President Obama visited a local fire station in Roanoke, Virginia.  There, he gave a speech to the people of Roanoke.  During his speech, he brought up his administration’s plan to tax the wealthy more.  He was quoted saying this:

“There are a lot of wealthy, successful Americans who agree with me — because they want to give something back. They know they didn’t — look, if you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own. You didn’t get there on your own…. If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that– somebody else made that happen.”

That quote began a series of photos and memes, many of which were actually used as political campaign material from the GOP.

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2. Mitt Romney & Big Bird

At the very first Presidential candidate debate this year, Mitt Romney made a remark to the debate moderator, PBS Journalist Jim Leher regarding his plan to lower the national deficit.

“I’m sorry Jim, I’m gonna stop the subsidy to PBS, I like PBS, I love Big Bird, I actually like you too, but I am not going to keep spending money on things to borrow money from China to pay for.”

This sparked many twitter users to make Big Bird accounts, and a “#savebigbird” trend.  Images started floating around with Big Bird being unemployed or homeless.

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The Obama campaign soon after put out this commercial.

3. “Binders Full of Women” meme

At the second Presidential Candidate Debate, a female undecided voter asked both candidates where they stood when it came to unequal pay for women.  Mitt Romney began talking about how he sought to form a gender-balanced cabinet while he was the governor of Massachusetts.  He responded with:

“And I said, ‘Well, gosh, can’t we — can’t we find some — some women that are also qualified? I went to a number of women’s groups and said, ‘Can you help us find folks,’ and they brought us whole binders full of women.”

This immediately followed with blogs, twitter accounts, facebook pages, and photos.


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4. “Horses & Bayonets” meme

In the Final Presidential Candidate debate, Mitt Romney criticized Barack Obama’s plan to reduce the size of the Naval Forces.  He said that there are less military ships than there were in 1917, at the beginning of WW1.  Obama rebuttled with:

“You mention the Navy, for example, and the fact that we have fewer ships than we did in 1916. Well Governor, we also have fewer horses and bayonets. We have these things called aircraft carriers and planes land on them. We have ships that go underwater, nuclear submarines. It’s not a game of Battleship where we’re counting ships, it’s ‘What are our priorities?’”

This sparked up a series of photos, and a trend on twitter.. “#horsesandbayonets.”

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So those are four of the top Presidential Election memes.  Some other good ones are Paul Ryan Workout Photos, Laughing Joe Biden, and Manacing Josh Romney.

I apologize that most of these memes are pro-Obama.  I tried findind more that made fun of Obama, but apparently most of the creators of memes are not fans of Mitt Romney.

Polls are about to close… Did you vote today? I sure did!


 Photobomb for the win in the bottom right corner.

We’ll know soon enough who the new president is, can’t wait to read negative posts from the losing candidate’s supporters!

I’m Not Alone Forever!

I’m glad to see that a lot of us are on the same page when it comes to our feelings about memes.

When I originally wrote the “Alone Forever?” post, I really thought that some people would think that I was taking it too seriously and being a Debbie Downer on the whole thing.



But I was relieved to see that many of you felt the same way I did. Jen Saltsman said regarding my post, “The forever alone meme is kind of depressing, now that you mention it!  But I think it’s more of a way to poke fun at yourself before someone else does.”

I think that could be the case.  Really, I think that was the original intention of the Forever Alone meme.  But some people are kinda taking it too seriously I think.  Travillian said, “The forever alone meme is kind of depressing. I agree with what Jen said about making a joke about it first. I don’t do it, but a lot of people do which is probably why he’s so popular.”

Perhaps that is why it’s so popular… I think as a whole, we sometimes thrive on our own emotions, a lot of the times focusing on the negative ones.  I know when I really started to relate and enjoy the Forever Alone meme, I was in a relationship.  It was a long distance relationship, so I only saw my boyfriend twice a month or so.  (which is more than a lot of people in long distance relationships get to see theirs, so really, I was lucky.)  But the feeling of being by myself, when all my other roommates would stay out with their boyfriends and I’d be the only one in the apartment for the night really got to me sometimes.  Even though I knew I wasn’t going to be alone forever (more than likely I would be seeing my boyfriend within the next week or two) I couldn’t help but feel like the Forever Alone guy was actually me.  From some of my responses, it sounds like I’m not the only person that’s felt that way. Gormantr said,

“Alone is an extremely natural emotion to feel. Humans think being alone means that they are the only ones who feel that way when it’s the opposite. I think most people feel alone even when they are surrounded by people they love. I have been thinking about this for the past two days. Even when I’m in a crowd I’ll sometimes feel alone. It’s weird but I think it’s natural. Even if you are in a relationship (married, dating) you can feel alone. It’s such a weird feeling, isn’t it?”

It really is.  As of now, I like to make the best out of everything.  So no more being sad and feeling forever alone internet, we all have each other at least!!


I’d like to get some feedback from you guys on what my next post should be about– I have a few memes in mind that I could write about, but I want to know what my readers want to read about!! So, what are some of your favorite memes to look at online?



Alone Forever?


I originally planned on this being posted yesterday, but I didn’t get a chance to finish it.

Sweetest Day: what I find to be probably the most hated holiday there is.  This “Hallmark Holiday” receives more criticism than celebration.  My facebook newsfeed had more negative posts than happy ones… even from people who have a sweetie!

But, the vibe I got from the majority of the anti-sweetest day posts involves a picture that has been blowing up the word wide web for over two years now.  There’s only one other day that this vibe is even more powerful than it was yesterday.  That day is February 14th.

The big boulder-looking figure, with a mouth that looks like stitches, tears running down its face, and a big ol’ butt chin.  Forever Alone: the new motto for single people all over.

The face originally was a part of the Rage Guy comic series on, and sprang to life in 2010.  It has now become the most commonly searched and popular meme on the internet.

I have always been a huge fan of Forever Alone guy, and that’s saying something because in the past 3 years, I’ve only been single for about 5 months of it.

Sometimes I think though (and I myself have been a part of this) is that some people are starting to take the concept of forever alone too seriously. It’s becoming less of a funny joke on the internet, and more of a lifestyle some people are beginning to believe is theirs.  The jokes become less funny when you read them, and more depressing.  The thought of “yep, that’s my life,” comes to mind instead of a smile.

A couple of posts ago Ecowakening said to me,

“I can’t help but think that there is something a little deeper than the definition. It seems like memes are these ideas that millions of people can relate to. They almost contribute to a collective consciousness of sorts by putting people on the same page.”

So is this why Forever Alone is one of the most, if not the most popular meme on the internet?  Because people are lonely, and they can relate to what forever alone guy is going through?  I don’t know, maybe I’m just being a buzzkill and a negative nancy about this whole thing, but I have a lot of friends who seem legitimately depressed when they talk about they themselves being “forever alone.”  If you think about it, it really is kind of a sad concept.

I’d like to hear your thoughts.  Am I being weird and taking this comic too seriously?  Or do I have a point here?

Do you think forever alone is just a funny joke, or has it become a lifestyle and mindset to some people?

How do you like and/or feel about the forever alone guy?

Happy Day After Sweetest Day! Enjoy your sweetie, or, enjoy the freedoms of not having one!! Either way, life is good my friends!

You Guys Rock!!

First off I’d like to apologize for assuming everyone had seen the Numa Numa video.  I got quite a few of you saying you’d never seen it, so I guess it wasn’t as popular as I thought, (everyone at my school had seen it back in the day.)

I got a lot of great feedback from all of you about what you considered to be the definition of a meme.  Something that I noticed is that nobody really seems to know.  There’s a lot up in the air about what is and what isn’t considered a meme, and where the origin of the word came from. Where did it come from…?

Earharmony said, “The term “meme” always reminds me of Japanese anime.”

Gablea said, “At least according to wikipedia, —— ‘The word meme is a shortening (modeled on gene) of mimeme (from Ancient Greek mīmēma, “something imitated”, from mimeisthai, “to imitate”, from mimos “mime”)[4] and it was coined by the British evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins in The Selfish Gene (1976) as a concept for discussion of evolutionary principles in explaining the spread of ideas and cultural phenomena. Examples of memes given in the book included melodies, catch-phrases, fashion and the technology of building arches.'”

So, just in those two comments, I’m seeing the origin potentially being from Japan, and Greece.  I decided to do a little more research myself on the origin, and it looks like Gablea (and wikipedia) were right.

“Meme: 1976.  Introduced by Evolutionary Biologist Richard Dawkins in ‘The Selfish Gene.’  Coined by him from Gk.  sources, e.g.mimeisthai ‘to imitate,’ and intended to echo gene.”

The word was introduced in 1976.  This was about 20 years before the internet became available to everyone.  So clearly, this word is not just pertaining to funny pictures and videos on the internet.

A meme is an idea or element of social behavior passed on in a culture, especially through imitation.  So, what are some examples of memes that aren’t from the internet?

This Was More of a Struggle Than I thought!

Sarah Kagrise asked me:

“This may be my age showing through, but what is a meme?”

No worries, Sarah.  Many people don’t know what memes are.  I would say rather than regarding to age, people’s knowledge of memes really depends on your hobbies and interests (and perhaps even your social life).

To be quite honest, I don’t really know how to define a meme, so I went to my best friend, the internet, to help me come up with one.  This is what I got:

From Google:

  1. An element of a culture or behavior that may be passed from one individual to another by nongenetic means, esp. imitation.
  2. An image, video, etc. that is passed electronically from one Internet user to another.

Wikipedia says: “A concept that spreads via the internet.”

and Urban Dictionary says: “An internet information generator, especially of random and contentless information.”

So, I would say that my definition of a meme (or an internet meme, to be exact), is really just something that spreads like wildfire via the internet.  There are memes that everyone knows about– many people just don’t realize that they’re a meme.

For example:

No one try to tell me that you haven’t seen this video… I know you’d be lying.  This was probably the first meme that I ever saw, (I didn’t know it was a meme until probably 6 years later though).

But really, anything that you have seen on the internet that is widely popular among people would be considered a meme.  It is a concept, like wikipedia says.  Is facebook a meme? It’s popular on the internet?  No, that’s a website.  Bad Luck Brian is a concept.  Someone decided, “let’s take this terrible picture of this nerdy-looking kid and make everyone associate terrible luck with it,” and it stuck.  Some memes are videos, some are even photos that don’t have captions.  Essentially, the possibilities for memes are endless.

Here’s the newest meme to emerge from the world wide web:

Gangham Style: by PSY– a 34-year-old rapper/singer-songwriter from Korea.  He’s actually been around since 2001, but only as of 2 weeks ago, he now has the most “liked” video on youtube.  The song has become so popular that radio stations are beginning to play it.  I hear it almost every time I get in my car, and I even heard it play throughout Great American Ball Park last week when I watched the Reds take on the Milwaukee Brewers.  “Gangham Style” has even become its own dance, (one arm positioned horizontally, while the other is up, spinning like you have a lasso in your hand).  While PSY has albums and other songs, I would consider this a meme, because it’s a single video, and without the internet and youtube, this video would have never made its way to the US. But let me know what you think– do you think Gangham Style should be considered a meme?

I want to hear your opinions!! Other internet nerds out there: did I get the definition of a meme right?

What would you change about my explanation, and how would you define a meme?

The question is a lot harder than it seems!

How Unfortunate…

I think we can all agree that we’ve had a bad school picture.  One year I forgot it was picture day, and I was in a sweatshirt, and my hair was in a frizzy ponytail (that one was a keeper). It’s a fun picture to show to friends and family, so everyone can laugh and make fun of you, but you wouldn’t want anyone else to see it.

How would you feel if your picture began to make its way through the entire world wide web?  That’s what happened to a boy named Kyle, and his photo from his junior year of high school.


The photo didn’t even make it in the yearbook; his principal deemed it inappropriate, thinking he made the face on purpose, and made him take a new one. But that didn’t stop the geniuses of the “interwebz” from finding the photo, and turning it into the meme that is now known today as “Bad Luck Brian.”

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Come up with anything unfortunate, anything at all.. you could make it into a Bad Luck Brian meme.  They can give us a good laugh as we sit back and smile, knowing that that isn’t us.  While the meme just emerged earlier this year, the photo was actually taken in 2007. Earlier this year Kyle did an AMA (ask me anything) session on reddit and answered everyone’s questions about being a walking meme.


In his session he revealed that he actually loved being a meme, and even got recognized by Seth Rogen while he was in New Orleans. He says that he thinks the concept of BLB is hilarious, and is happy to be a part of it.

What’s your favorite BLB meme you’ve seen? Do you have any of your own? Sometimes I feel like I could be my own bad luck meme, like “Crappy Luck Carli,” or something like that. Let me know!

From Martinez’s “Ecce Homo” to Gimenez’s “Ecce Mono”: The Story of Fresco Jesus

One of the most recent stories to make it’s way across the world wide web is this:

In short, a church in Spain had a precious fresco painting of Jesus Christ.  The fresco was done by Spanish Artist Elias Garcia Martinez, and dated all the way back to the 19th Century.  It looked like this:




As the years went on, the precious fresco began deteriorating, and if something couldn’t be done soon, there would be nothing left of it.  Near it’s end this is what it looked like:


The small church located in Borja, Spain did not have the funds to get the painting professionally restored.  They were running out of ideas, when an elderly woman stepped up and volunteered to restore it herself.  Her name is Cecelia Gimenez.  She is 85 years old, and was willing to try her best to restore this locally-treasured fresco.

Gimenez worked in the church, painting away at the fresco as church goers watched her do so. When she finished the restoration, her project went from a small, local happening to a world wide phenomena. This only happened after it was released what her final restoration looked like:



The eyes are black, the nose is rectangle, and the mouth is almost completely gone. What was once called “Ecce Homo,” or “Behold the Man,” was now being called “Ecce Mono, or, “Behold the Monkey.”  It soon became a worldwide uproar, then shortly after into a worldwideweb joke. Just hours after the story was released photos were being posted that made fun of the Gimenez’s work, and the “Fresco Jesus” meme was born. 





Take note that that Elliot’s face has been replaced with the face of Gimenez. 

More can be seen at

The real question here is is this appropriate? While Gimenez did this with good intentions, and stated that she knew the restoration didn’t go well, what many people don’t understand is if she knew it looked bad, why did she keep going? Gimenez has been the laughing stock of the internet for nearly three weeks now. 

However, the newly-botched fresco has brought tourism into this small spanish town; so much so that church members had to put a barrier around the painting. Tee shirts have been made, and many people have even signed a petition to keep the painting as Gimenez made it.